Kusha Black Pepper Powder


काली मिर्च पाउडर

Made from the best quality whole black pepper from Wayanad in Kerala. Ground to uniform consistency and the right size, not to powdery, not too coarse; just right!

काली मिर्च पाउडर [50 ग्रॅम] प्रीमियम गुणवत्ता, बारीक पाउडर, वायनाड से आपके लिए लाया।

SKU: 0755003232582 Category: Tag:


Kusha Spices Black Pepper Powder | Kali Mirchi | Kali Miri I 100% Natural | Fresh | Hand Sorted | Organic | Bold Pepper | From Wayanad, Kerala, India | Ground to Uniform Consistency | Perfectly Grounded | Strongly Aromatic | High Piperine Content |

PLACE OF ORIGIN/SOURCING: Kusha Spices Black Pepper is sourced from Wayanad in Kerala. Of the three main types of Black Pepper grown in the entire region, the ‘Wayanadian’ variety is known for its exceptionally strong, spicy flavour.
PROCESSING: Kusha Spices ensures that the Black Pepper is plucked, sorted, sun dried, cleaned and then ‘Ozonised’ before packing. Only the best quality Black Peppercorns with a density of 530-550g/litre volume are selected. This is the highest quality available in the market.

BENEFITS: Being a rich source of calcium and potassium, it improves circulation and heart health. So, it is used in the management of blood pressure and blood sugar. It cleanses the digestive system and promotes weight loss.

OZONISED BLACK PEPPER: Aflatoxins are produced by Fungi which grow on the surface of Black Pepper. If consumed, they can damage the Liver. By the process of Ozonation, Kusha Spices Black Pepper is rid of harmful Aflatoxins and rendered 100% safe for consumption.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Kusha Spices Black Pepper contains high amounts of the active ingredient ‘Piperine’, which gives it, its strong flavour and characteristic pungent taste.

Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 10 × 15 × 3 cm

Tester Pack, 100g, 500g, 1000g


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